Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Marigold Cream ®, and Yellow Marigold seeds

Yellow Marigold or Calendula has a noteworthy place among our native herbs. It belongs to the plants which are beneficial for cancer and cancer like growths. Since its healing powers have become recognized again and are in demand, it is now found not only in gardens, but also in fields. The medicinal value is the same. Should its flower heads be closed after 7 o'clock in the morning, it will rain the same day. It was considered a rain indicator in earlier times.

In folk medicine the plant's flowers, stems and leaves are gathered and used. Gathering should occur in bright sunshine, when its healing powers are at their best.

Calendula strongly in its healing power, on the other hand, Calendula tea can be drunk without worry. As a blood cleanser, it is a great helper in infectious hepatitis. 1 to 2 cups a day work wonders. Calendula cleanses, stimulates circulation and improves the healing of wounds.

Radiation skin protection
A study in women receiving radiation therapy to the breast for breast cancer reports that calendula ointment applied to the skin at least twice daily during treatment reduces severe dermatitis (skin irritation, redness, pain). However, this study cannot be considered conclusive due to limitations of its design. Based on this evidence, this approach may be considered in patients who experience radiation dermatitis that cannot be controlled with other therapies.

Ear infection
Calendula has been studied for reducing pain caused by ear infections. Some human studies suggest that calendula may possess mild anesthetic (pain-relieving) properties equal to those of similar non-herbal eardrop preparations. Further studies are needed before a recommendation can be made in this area.

Skin inflammation
Limited animal research suggests that calendula extracts may reduce inflammation when applied to the skin. Human studies are lacking in this area.

Venous leg ulcers
Calendula has been suggested as a possible treatment for venous leg ulcers. Further study is warranted.

Wound and burn healing
Calendula is commonly used on the skin to treat minor skin wounds. Reliable human research is necessary before a firm conclusion can be drawn.
most remarkable healing agent, applied locally. Useful for open wounds, parts that will not heal, ulcers, etc. Promotes healthy granulations and rapid healing by first intention. Hemostatic after tooth extraction. Deafness. Catarrhal conditions. Neuroma. Constitutional tendency to erysipelas. Pain is excessive and out of all proportion to injury.

Skin moisturizing
Marigold Cream is moisturizing, non-greasy, soothing, and natuaally antiseptic care for your skin. Uses to keep skin soft and inhibit fungus infections under the nails. It is also helps prevent cracking of dry skin.
Our product: Marigold Cream ® The main ingredient (25%) is Marigold petals (Calendula officinalis it is natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties of the Marigold, it is good for all medical indication mentioned above

Yellow Marigold Seeds 100 seeds + for only 1 USA dollars + Shipping
Inside Malaysia is only 3 MR + Shipping

Sunday, September 28, 2008

TENIANIL Tincture ®

TENIANIL Tincture ® for Athlete's foot

Athlete's foot is a very common skin infection of the foot caused by fungus. The fungus that commonly causes athlete's foot is called Trichophyton. When the feet or other areas of the body stay moist, warm, and irritated, this fungus can thrive and infect the upper layer of the skin. Fungal infections can occur anywhere on the body, including the scalp, trunk, extremities (arms and legs), hands, feet, nails, groin, and other areas.

Athlete's foot is caused by the
ringworm fungus ("tinea" in medical jargon). Athlete's foot is also called tinea pedis. The fungus that causes athlete's foot can be found on many locations, including floors in gyms, locker rooms, swimming pools, nail salons, and in socks and clothing. The fungus can also be spread directly from person to person or by contact with these objects.
However, without proper growing conditions (a warm, moist environment), the fungus may not easily infect the skin. Up to 70% of the population may have athlete's foot at some time during their lives.

What are the symptoms of athlete's foot?
The symptoms of athlete's foot typically include various degrees of
itching and burning. The skin may frequently peel, and in particularly severe cases, there may be some cracking, pain, and bleeding as well. Some people have no symptoms at all and do not know they have an infection.

What does athlete's foot look like?
Athlete's foot may look like red, peeling, dry skin areas on one or both soles of the feet. Sometimes the dry flakes may spread onto the sides and tops of the feet. Most commonly the
rash is localized to just the soles of the feet. The space between the fourth and fifth toes also may have some moisture, peeling, and dry flakes.
There are three common types of athlete's foot.
1. soles of the feet, also called "moccasin"

type2. between the toes, also called "interdigital"

type3. inflammatory type or blistering

Unusual cases may look like small or large blisters of the feet (called bullous tinea pedis), thick patches of dry, red skin, or calluses with redness. Sometimes, it may look like just mild dry skin without any redness or inflammation.
Athlete's foot may present as a rash on one or both feet and even involve the hand. This is a very common presentation of athlete's foot. Hand fungal infections are called tinea manuum. The exact cause of why the infection commonly only affects one hand is not known.

Athlete's foot may also be seen along with ringworm of the groin (especially in men) or hand(s). It is helpful to examine the feet whenever there is a fungal groin rash called tinea cruris. It is important to treat all areas of fungal infection at one time to avoid re-infection.

Is athlete's foot contagious?
Athlete's foot may be contagious from person to person, but it is not always contagious. Some people may be more susceptible to the fungus that causes athlete's foot while others are more resistant. There are many households where two people (often husband and wife or siblings) using the same showers and bathroom for years have not transmitted the fungus between them. The exact cause of this predisposition or susceptibility to fungal infections is unknown. Some people just seem more prone to fungal skin infections than others.

What else causes foot rashes?
There are many possible causes of foot rashes. Athlete's foot is one of the more common causes. Additional causes include
irritant or contact dermatitis, allergic rashes from shoes or other creams, dyshidrotic eczema (skin allergy rash), psoriasis, keratodermia blenorrhagicum, yeast infections, and bacterial infections.
Your physician can perform a simple test called a KOH, or potassium hydroxide for microscopic fungal examination, in the office or laboratory to confirm the presence of a fungal infection. This test is performed using small flakes of skin that are examined under the microscope. Many dermatologists perform this test in their office with results available within minutes. Rarely, a small piece of skin may be removed and sent for
biopsy to help confirm the diagnosis.

What is the treatment for athlete's foot?
The treatment of athlete's foot can be divided into two parts. The first, and most important part, is to make the infected area less suitable for the athlete's foot fungus to grow. This means keeping the area clean and dry.
Buy shoes that are leather or other breathable material. Shoe materials, such as vinyl, that don't breathe cause your feet to remain moist, providing an excellent area for the fungus to breed. Likewise, absorbent socks like cotton that wick water away from your feet may help.

Our medication TENIANIL Tincture ® is 100 % effective to eradicate fungus infection and clear all symptoms of Athletic foot in short period of time.

TENIANIL Tincture ®
is 10 % tincture made from the best herbs will known to be Antifungal antiallergic, able to eradicate any yeast infections in the site.

Package: 70 ml bottles with Sprayer.

Apply on the affected area 2 times daily until you get good result and satisfaction

Price only 10 USA dollars + Shipping
Inside Malaysia is 30 MR + Shipping

Withania somnifera , Ashwaganda

Withania somnifera, also known as ashwagandha, Indian ginseng, and winter cherry, has been an important herb in the Ayurvedic and indigenous medical systems for over 3000 years.

Historically, the plant has been used as an aphrodisiac, liver tonic, anti-inflammatory agent, astringent, and more recently to treat bronchitis, asthma, ulcers, emaciation, insomnia, and senile dementia. Clinical trials and animal research support the use of ashwaganda for anxiety, cognitive and neurological disorders, inflammation, and Parkinson's disease. Ashwaganda's chemopreventive properties make it a potentially useful adjunct for patients undergoing radiation and chemotherapy. Ashwaganda is also used therapeutically as an adaptogen for patients with nervous exhaustion, insomnia, and debility due to stress, and as an immune stimulant in patients with low white blood cell counts.

Health effect of regular consuming Ashwagandha root powder

The plant carries Anti-Aging properties. In a double-blind clinical trial, ashwagandha was tested in a group of 101 healthy males, 50-59 years old, at a dosage of 3 grams daily for one year, show a significant improvement in hemoglobin, red blood cell count, hair melanin, and seated stature was observed. Serum cholesterol decreased and nail calcium was preserved. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate decreased significantly and chronic Stress relief
In addition the plant have hypothyroidism effect, cardiovascular protection, hypoglycemic, diuretic, and lowering blood cholesterol level of the blood, and decreases in serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoproteins, improvement in sexual performance

Ashwagandha is one of the most widespread tranquillisers used in India, where it holds a position of importance similar to ginseng in China. It acts mainly on the reproductive and nervous systems, having a rejuvenative effect on the body, and is used to improve vitality and aid recovery after chronic illness. The plant is little known in the West. The whole plant, but especially the leaves and the root bark, are abortifacient, adaptogen, antibiotic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, narcotic, strongly sedative and tonic. Internally, it is use to tone the uterus after a miscarriage and in treating post-partum difficulties, treat nervous exhaustion, debility, insomnia, wasting diseases, failure to thrive in children, impotence, infertility, multiple sclerosis. Externally it can apply, as a poultice to boils, swellings and other painful parts, the fruit is diuretic and hypnotic.


A typical dose of ashwagandha is 3-6 grams daily of the dried root, 300-500 mg of an extract standardized to contain 1.5 percent withanolides, or 6-12ml of a 1:2 fluid extract per day.

Warnings and Contraindications
Large doses of ashwagandha may possess abortifacient properties; therefore, it should not be taken during pregnancy. Since ashwaganda acts as a mild central nervous system depressant, patients should avoid alcohol, sedatives, and other anxiolytics while taking ashwagandha.
We sell seedling, leafs, seeds, and dried roots

Vitex agnus-castus, Chaste Tree

For over 2500 years chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) has been used for gynecological conditions since the days of Hippocrates. With a rich traditional of use, modern research supports historical wisdom, and has made chaste tree fruit preparations a phytomedicine of choice by European gynecologists for treatment of various menstrual disorders, PMS, and other conditions.

Modern ApplicationsIn Germany, the use of phytomedicines in the treatment of menstrual disturbances is often preferred over conventional treatment, if no contraceptives are indicated. Steroidal hormones are often considered unnecessary, and individual treatment initiated once differentiation has been made between cyclic and acyclic bleeding difficulties. A benefit of chaste tree treatment is the relative lack of side effects compared with treatment with steroidal hormones. Another benefit is that the price of chaste tree preparation therapy is far below that of conventional treatment methods. The German

Commission E monograph on chaste tree fruits allows use of preparations for menstrual disorders due to rhythmic disorders of menstruation, mastodynia (pressure and swelling in the breasts), and premenstrual syndrome.
No contraindications are listed. While no interactions with other drugs are reported,. Chaste tree preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy.

In Germany chaste tree fruit preparations are considered a safe, effective, and low-priced tool available to, accepted by, and widely used by gynecologists.
Chasteberry or vitex (vitex agnus-castus) is a fertility-promoting herb with a long, safe history of human use. As far back as ancient Greece, vitex agnus castus was recognized for its herbal-medicinal properties and was utilized for a number of health complaints.

The Germans call vitex "Monk's Pepper" and for centuries women in Europe have used vitex to increase their odds of conceiving a baby, as well as to treat symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance, skin condition, or PMS.

More recently, science has validated the fertility-enhancing properties of this dynamic herb. Vitex has been shown in several clinical studies to help stimulate and stabilize the reproductive hormones involved in ovulation, cycle balance, and menstrual regularity. These studies also document a statistically-significant increase in fertility among women using vitex, with more pregnancies than in control groups using a placebo.

To understand how vitex works, let's first look at female fertility. In order for conception to take place, a woman must have a regular menstrual cycle and ovulate (release an egg from an ovary). Hormonal balance is key to regular ovulation - particularly the ebb and flow of the reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone, which both prepare the body for ovulation (estrogen) and ensure that a pregnancy, once achieved, is maintained (progesterone). Regularity of both menstrual cycle and ovulatory function, dictated by the complex play of these hormones, are key factors in successfully becoming pregnant. Vitex increases fertility by helping regulate hormonal and menstrual balance.

IN CONCLOSION Chaste berry used for the following application
PMS (Post Menstural Syndrome)
Galactagogue. Means increase breast milk production
· Potential as an
insect repellent and bees attraction
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Uterine fibroids
Infertility due to Luteal phase defect

We sell chaste tree seedling 6 inch for only 5 USA dollars + Shipping
Inside Malaysia, the price is 15 MR + Shipping

In addition, we sell chaste berry (fruits) 100 grams for only 10 USA dollars + Shipping
Malaysia, the price is 30 MR + Shipping

Turnera ulmifolia L, Damiana

Damiana was recorded to be used as an aphrodisiac as well as for "giddiness and loss of balance." A Damiana has a long history of use in traditional herbal medicine throughout the world. It is thought to act as an aphrodisiac, antidepressant, tonic, diuretic, cough-suppressant, and mild laxative. It has been used for such conditions as depression, anxiety, sexual inadequacy, debilitation, bed-wetting, menstrual irregularities, gastric ulcers, and constipation. In Mexico, the plant also is used for asthma, bronchitis, neurosis, diabetes, dysentery, dyspepsia, headaches, paralysis, nephrosis, spermatorrhea, stomachache, and syphilis. Damiana first was recorded with aphrodisiac effects in scientific literature over 100 years ago.

Also the plant have hypoglycemic activity, sexual potency, weight loss, antidepression, hormonal balancing, and overall tonics.

Main Actions (in order): aphrodisiac, antidepressant, central nervous system depressant, anti-anxiety, tonic (tones, balances, strengthens overall body functions)

Main Uses:
1. as a male and female sexual stimulant used to treat erectile dysfunction and anorgasmia
2. to tone, balance, and strengthen the central nervous system and for emotional stress, depression, and anxiety
3. as a general hormonal balancing
4. for nervous stomach, colic, and dyspepsia
5. for mood disorders (hypochondria, obsessive compulsive disorder, neurosis, paranoia, etc)

Properties/Actions Documented by Research: aphrodisiac, central nervous system depressant
Other Properties/Actions Documented by Traditional Use:anti-anxiety, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, cough suppressant, aperient (mild laxative), astringent, bitter digestive stimulant, diuretic, expectorant, hormonal, nervine (balances/calms nerves), tonic (tones, balances, strengthens overall body functions)

We sell Damiana dried leafs 100 gram for 6 USA dollars + shipping
Inside Malaysia, the price is 20 MR + Shipping

Strobilanthes crispus leafs, Black face general

Strobilanthes crispus dried leaves contained a high amount of total ash (21.6%) as a result of a high amount of minerals including potassium (51%), calcium (24%), sodium (13%), iron (1%), and phosphorus (1%). High content of water-soluble vitamins (C, B1, and B2) contributed to the high antioxidant activity of the leaves,

The leaves also contained a moderate amount of other proximate composition as well as other compounds such as catechins, alkaloids, caffeine, and tannin, contributing further to the total antioxidant activity. Catechins of Strobilanthes crispus leaves showed highest antioxidant activity when compared to Yerbamate and vitamin E.
Strobilanthes crispus has been used traditionally as antidiabetic, diuretic, antilytic, and laxative and has been proven scientifically to possess high antioxidant activity, anti-AIDS, and anticancer properties. It is commonly consumed in the form of herbal tea.

Antioxidant and polyphenol content that present in the extracts might contribute to the antihyperglycemic and antilipidemic properties.

Consumption of the leafy extract daily (5 g/day) as an herbal tea could contribute to the additional nutrients and antioxidants needed in the body to enhance the defense system, especially toward the incidence of degenerative diseases and to protect the liver against hepatocarcinogenesis

The recommended dose / day is 5 mg of dray leaves to brew in one cup of boiling water same like drinking normal tea

We sell 100 % organic dry leaves, 100 gram only for 5 USA dollars + Shipping
Inside Malaysia, the price is 15 MR + Shipping